Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Witches Brew Poster

Demo Reel


Witches Brew - Final Film

My Final Film in VFS, Witches Brew. Took about 4-5 months to create it. Did everything from storyboard to after effects. The only part that I wasn't directly involved in was the Sound effects, music and final editing.
The story of an old witch and her apprentice.

-Hand drawn, pencil on paper
-Backgrounds colored with Adobe Photoshop
-Softwares used - Harmony, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier

Monday, October 19, 2009

Koi - Flash Movie

Koi - a short movie about a monkey and a koi fish. We had less than two months to learn Flash and create a movie with the program. I managed to finish it and (hopefully) it doesn't look horrible. This movie is responsible for many of my sleepless nights :(

Did everything, including Sound effects and Music (picked them from the school library, still took forever. It made me appreciate the Sound Designers's work even more).

Software: Adobe Flash and Photoshop for the Backgrounds.

Screenshots from Witches Brew and Koi